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The Soul Speaks-A Series of Poems About Life

Updated on September 19, 2012

The Soul Speaks is a set of five short poems I have written throughout the past five years. They reflect my response to my spiritual work including my retreat and meditation practice.

On Loneliness

Loneliness, I know thee well.

Take your place then, here in my heart,

The empty space in the far corner.

Your presence is a familiar face.

Which of us hasn't had loneliness show up at our doorstep? Deep within each of us we have to face the unavoidable fact that we are alone. We are born into this world alone, yes…even if we are part of a multiple birth-we are individually aided into the world…and we will experience the journey to meet death alone as well. In this poem, I acknowledge this well-worn path as that of an old, familiar friend.

The heart has the capacity to hold all things.
The heart has the capacity to hold all things. | Source
Grief can touch us to the core of our Being.
Grief can touch us to the core of our Being. | Source

On Grief

Just like the clouds

That brings showers to the desert lands,

So, it is with grief…

Pouring tears onto a parched soul;

Breaking the heart wide open.

Grief is a universal emotion that knows no boundary of age, country, or gender. When grief strikes it can appear as a wound that will never heal. It constricts the heart and cuts off breath, life, and the will to go on. Numbness may freeze our motivation to move forward; when we do take action we may respond in a robotic manner-merely going through the motions. What is the key to ‘grief relief’? Only through experiencing the pain, and weeping for one’s loss, will the heart melt into life once more.

On Passion

It’s a hot fire

And, I do not want to put it out.

I have waited all of my ordinary life

For this burning inferno…

Let it rage on!

Oh Passion! What would we do without you? We would have no art, no music, and no great novels to read…we would have no LOVE! Passion comes in many forms, as individual as people who express their passion. Passion brings color to our otherwise, mundane lives. Just think how alive you feel when you have embarked on an interest that you have become passionate about. You don’t care if you eat, sleep, or employ common sense-with passion comes wild abandon!

Let the fire of passion rage on!
Let the fire of passion rage on! | Source
Morning meditation practice
Morning meditation practice | Source

On Awakening

In the stillness of the morning,

Before the birds begin to sing,

I lay awake with Presence

Aware this is my Being.

What is sweeter than to awaken in the morning to the sound of birds singing? It is to awaken to the awareness of who we are-to be fully awake to our very soul. In the early morning hours, before my feet touch the floor, I sense into my body, aware of Divine Presence, which is what I am-what we all are. One does not have to be a Holy Man, a Shaman, a Clergy, or a Medicine Woman to know one’s true nature. One does not have to be a part of a religious organization or meditate for hours on end to feel one’s Divine spirit. One is Divine Presence-waiting for contact and attention from us.

Grace | Source

On Meeting One's Own Self

I asked, as we met,

“Who is this?”

As she lay the Babe in my arms.

“It is you,” she replied,

So, I held her close,

And wept a thousand tears.

This is a very special poem that I wrote after a particularly tender and heartfelt realization of my Divine nature. Written in 2006 two years after I began the particular spiritual path I have been on since 2004.

All original work of this hub owned by Denise Handlon. No portion of this hub or the original five poems presented in this hub may be copied, printed or reproduced in any manner without the expressed written permission of the author.


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